Get the exchange rate of Turkey

All kinds of informers can be found on various sites. These are a blocks, with useful data, such as weather forecast or news. The most popular information is currency rates. The exchange rate is the major topic for most people. Therefore, a handy widget with up-to-date information will be very useful.

We suggest that you place information about the most popular exchange rates in Turkey on your website, because it is very convenient and useful. Besides, the service is completely free and does not require much time. The widget is updated automatically, so you will only need to install it.

You will be able to choose the size and color of the block and place it on the page. This information is usually located on a visible place in the side column, but there could also be exceptions.

What do you get using our informer?

  • Draw visitors’ attention to the most relevant information;
  • Your visitors do not need to leave your site to find out the exchange rate;
  • This way you will fill the empty space on your site;
  • You will also be aware of the latest changes in the world market.

Our widget displays full daily information about the correlation of the foreign currency with Turkish Lira. You may easily place the widget on your website. You only need to select the size and color; and the widget is ready. Further step is to copy the generated code and paste it into your website’s code. Rates in Turkey banks.

There can be nothing simpler than placing the widget on your site. Make few easy steps and your site will include useful and up to date information.

Step1. Settings:
Module width:
Title color:
Frame color:

Step2. Preview:
exchange EUR 36.5073 TRY
exchange USD 35.4523 TRY
exchange GBP 43.6502 TRY

Step3. Copy code: